Okay so this post has been long coming. I guess sped up a bit by the same thing happening to a close friend of mine.
Note: This isn't directed at all girls. Just some particular girls. And I admit guys do it too. But I feel like a rant so get over it :)
Now to the fucking girls who feel like a guys heart is something just to toy with. Okay we all have feelings too you know. And just using us and throwing us away is not cool alright. Like ffs seriously do we look like some sorta chew toy. Something for your own amusement. You can't just invite us in just to stab us back.
Girls need to seriously think about what they do more often. Only because leading a guy on is the most fucking lowest thing you can do. Why you do it I don't know? Is it just to make yourself feel better? Is that it? Do you get joy at seeing guys believing that they have a chance, and then seeing us break down in the end. Coz apparently you fucking do. See guys talk. AMAZING I KNOW. But when you do something even slightly suggestive, all the friends will edge us on. Because when you say/do that one thing showing that we may have a chance. You essentially have us on a leash from that point on. So be fucking careful what you do from that point on.
Now I know not all girls do this. Some don't even realise they do. But pay more attention to what you fucking do to us. Coz screwing us over is the doggest shit you can do. And once you've played us trust me, we all know in the future to stay away from you. So it's not doing you any favours. So leading a guy on is getting you nothing but hate.
Okay so this post has been long coming. I guess sped up a bit by the same thing happening to a close friend of mine.
Note: This isn't directed at all girls. Just some particular girls. And I admit guys do it too. But I feel like a rant so get over it :)
Now to the fucking girls who feel like a guys heart is something just to toy with. Okay we all have feelings too you know. And just using us and throwing us away is not cool alright. Like ffs seriously do we look like some sorta chew toy. Something for your own amusement. You can't just invite us in just to stab us back.
Girls need to seriously think about what they do more often. Only because leading a guy on is the most fucking lowest thing you can do. Why you do it I don't know? Is it just to make yourself feel better? Is that it? Do you get joy at seeing guys believing that they have a chance, and then seeing us break down in the end. Coz apparently you fucking do. See guys talk. AMAZING I KNOW. But when you do something even slightly suggestive, all the friends will edge us on. Because when you say/do that one thing showing that we may have a chance. You essentially have us on a leash from that point on. So be fucking careful what you do from that point on.
Now I know not all girls do this. Some don't even realise they do. But pay more attention to what you fucking do to us. Coz screwing us over is the doggest shit you can do. And once you've played us trust me, we all know in the future to stay away from you. So it's not doing you any favours. So leading a guy on is getting you nothing but hate.
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NO APOLOGIES to those who might hate me because I find mainstream music annoying. It aggregates me okay. If you wanna stand up and protect it, fine by me. But I'm voicing my opinion all the same.
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I’ve got to write this right now before I forget all my thoughts.
I just finished watching Book of Eli for the first time. For those who haven’t seen it I would definitely recommend watching it. Especially if you are a Christian (which I am not, sorta)
There are very few films that are life changing. Maybe I’m just weird but this movie I believe literally changed my perspective on faith. Now I’m not exactly a religious person. Having a mother who is Christian and a father who is a Buddhist, you can understand choosing faith as an option for me was difficult. So I just decided to sit on the fence. But this movie showed me the beauty in faith.
Faith isn’t exactly I have in abundance, I never really thought about it until now. But the Book of Eli thought me something. Living a life without faith is like living a half life.
Well now I’m off to comprehend the meaning of life... again.
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That's pretty much me atm after doing some methods homework. Managed to finish one part of it. I might've left out about a quarter of the questions because I didn't understand them. But I got it done.
Leading to what I was getting at. I seriously cannot imagine what I'm going to get for my 3/4 results for methods. In serious panic mode atm.
Then again for some reason when I'm not doing homework I revert back to this ahh idgaf sorta attitude to VCE. When you really think about it, doing bad in VCE is not the end of the world. It's not like there aren't any opportunities outside the realms of university.
I guess I just need to pick up my game.
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So like.. I tried it. I've had people telling me for a while to try. So I decided to try it. It was slightly how I expected it to be. The sudden kick of happiness was nice, I'll admit that. But after a while I just got sick of it. Why? Because it was so bloody misleading. I don't see why so many people like it. In the long run it'll just ruin you at some point I think.
What was it I tried? Weed? Cocaine?
Well it was optimism. I tried being optimistic. For those who know me you'll understand that I'm fairly pessimistic. But just for a laugh I suppose I tried being optimistic. And in the end it was exactly what I expected it to be.
Firstly I'll like to let you people know I wasn't always, "Oh this world sucks", "Oh i cbf doing that", "OMG i hate life". Those who knew me before last year would know that at one point I was a fairly happy person. I wouldn't say that I always looked at the bright side. But I was less pessimistic for sure. So I know what it's like. Of course then there was last year. I guess there were a few events I just wasn't prepared to handle.
Anyways, so I tried being optimistic. Like I said at first you feel great. You feel as if you have this deep power inside you can use to tackle anything. As stupid as that sounds.
But I came to a realisation. You can have as much self belief as possible within yourself as you want. But in the end if it's just not meant to be, or happen it just won't. Say you are extremely stupid, and just pass year 10 just a whisker. You can have as much self belief as possible that you'll get a 99 as your ATAR. But in the end you just can't. You don't have that ability.
Does that make any sense? You can believe as much as you want in something or someone as you want. But the amount of control you have in some cases is mostly minimal.
Now I do admit to something here. I am wrong to a degree. Obviously self belief can get you far. But in some cases it just can't. Especially when it has to do with people. Because you can't control things like that. I guess you can influence to a point. But significantly is unrealistic.
Essentially being optimistic about everything has its strong points. However too much, or rather it being focused in particular areas can just set yourself up for disappointment.
I do so hope I'm wrong. In fact I probably am. But oh well that's my "realistic" views on society. Call it pessimism if you must. I'd rather that than living a lie.
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Seems to me girls like complaining that they are single cause no one likes them. Yet when they come across someone who actually likes them they freak because it's not who they want it to be. Just saying.
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God and Satan - Biffy Clyro
I talk to god as much
As I talk to satan
'Cause I wanna hear both sides
Does that make me cynical,
There are no miracles and
This is no miraculous life
I savour hate as much as I crave love
Because I'm just a twisted guy
Is this the pinnacle, Is this the pinnacle
The pinnacle of being alive?
Now I see the light
Well I look up to god
But I see trouble
'Cause this ain't a miracle
I just want to take my chance
To live through a miracle
I know for certain that someone
Is watching but is it from up or down?
I make you miserable you stick with me
Although you know I'm gonna
Ruin your life
We walk into the tide
Well I look up to god
But I see trouble
'Cause this ain't a miracle
I just want to take my chance
To live through a miracle
When the see-saw snaps and splinters your hand
Don't come crying to me
I'll only see your good side
And believe it's a miracle, a miracle
I slap the water and watch the fish dance
To the ripples of us
We're just dull blue duds
Blinking eyes encased in rust
This ain't a miracle
This ain't a miracle
This ain't a miracle
This ain't a miracle
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oh btw random insert. for those "friends" who don't like who I am.
FUCK OFF and deal with it. :)
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New Year, I figured I should do a proper post for the tiny amount of people who actually read this. It's already been a few days into the year, but already I feel shit. LOL that's pessimism for ya (Y).
Nah in all seriousness I'm hoping this year will be better than last year. Because I can't begin to tell you how bad 2010 was. It held so many lows, I don't really know how I got through it. The only real good thing that happened was going to see Muse.
But yeah I don't know but already I feel like something bad is going to happen this year. Just a gut feeling you know.
I don't know this year has just started out so weirdly. A lot of my friends recently having been having the time of their lives. Whether it be overseas with family and friends, or just here.
50 percent of my old school friends are now in relationships, like out of no where. People they thought they'd never have a chance with all of a sudden like them. Seems like it's happening to almost everyone. But yeah then there's me, stuck at home, listening to music, and in denial about how much homework I have to do. I highly doubt any girls will be coming my way this year (N). Then again I don't really want them too. Unless it's someone I actually like. Iunno girls like screwing with my head too much anyway.
It's been so shit. Want to know how I spent new years? Watching tv on my couch listening to Muse. As I have for the past fucking month. I've gone out of the house 3 times so do some sort of "social" activity. Don't get me wrong not like I don't want to go out, it's just my parents. I won't start a whole parental rant because there really is no point. Then again is there a point to me blogging what I am right now? lol. Well at least I can laugh about it I guess. Mehh well I am happy for those reading this who have had awesome holidays.
Anyways my new years resolutions:
1. Try to get better friends, and get rid of all the fuckheads. :)
2. Try to get something decent in Methods. (yeah right)
Ahh fuck this I don't know what I'm typing anymore, (N). :P
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Name's Damien, music is the game. Don't know where I'd be without it.
Mucked around with some themes coz I was bored.
Here's my negative release on the world.
Fav Bands
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Anything that isn't bullshit pop
Musicman Stingray bass
Ferrari 599
Maxda rx7 fortune by veilside
most bullshit mainstream music
annoying girls who like playing with guys
most people