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Friday, January 21, 2011, 5:36 PM | back to the top.
I’ve got to write this right now before I forget all my thoughts.

I just finished watching Book of Eli for the first time. For those who haven’t seen it I would definitely recommend watching it. Especially if you are a Christian (which I am not, sorta)

There are very few films that are life changing. Maybe I’m just weird but this movie I believe literally changed my perspective on faith. Now I’m not exactly a religious person. Having a mother who is Christian and a father who is a Buddhist, you can understand choosing faith as an option for me was difficult. So I just decided to sit on the fence. But this movie showed me the beauty in faith.

Faith isn’t exactly I have in abundance, I never really thought about it until now. But the Book of Eli thought me something. Living a life without faith is like living a half life.

Well now I’m off to comprehend the meaning of life... again.


The name's Damien.
Just a note. Everything I write on this blog is just shit I need to get out. So if you are a follower and I haven't blocked you. It is probably because I trust you reading all this. So please don't share this link with everyone. Thanks.

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