serised desolcsidnu - esum
Monday, November 29, 2010, 12:09 AM | back to the top.
So weird how the slightest actions by any one single person can make your day. Put you on cloud 9.It doesn't even need to be anything significant. Even just a plain "hi" would do it.
It's just that sense that they've acknowledged your existence. That you are indeed a person that exists in their lives.
It's kinda sad that we do this, or maybe it's just me. I guess I just let people in too much. Too open I guess. But then again is bottling everything up and closing yourself from the world any better?
Then in a few seconds that same person who just made your day can fuck it up. Of course they don't realise that they just made your day/ fucked it up. But still, they do some minute action that somehow makes you feel shit. Like you don't exist to them, or maybe you aren't as significant to them as you thought. I'm just rambling on again for no reason.
I discovered the most fucked up thing recently though. I was youtube'n some Muse songs as I do (yes I know, like I don't listen to enough Muse already), and I discovered the song "undisclosed desires" backwards. Like the song being played in reverse. It is definitely THE MOST FUCKED UP THING EVER. It's scary because it actually sounds like a proper song but in a different language.