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Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 1:26 AM | back to the top.
Why is it that you are the prominent thing on my mind always. On top of all the other shit I have going on. This isn’t just an infatuation anymore.
Sad thing is I know I have no chance. I tell myself this all the time. I know you like other guy(s). I know it won’t happen. Hell I don’t want it to happen. But I still continue this charade of pretending I’m cool and done with you.
But I guess what I’m most pissed off at atm. Is how this idea of “love”. Falling in love, and happy endings. Love song after love song comes through my headphones. I’ve come to the realisation, that these “happy endings” only happen to a specific type of people. Now I won’t lay back in what I say here. Coz you all know it’s true. It only happens to those “beautiful people” on this planet. I’m most definitely being way to general but you get what I’m saying yes? Guy A is just an average dude, no crazy hot dude that all the girls like (let this guy be Guy B). So there is Girl A who is Guy A’s crush. Girl A has this thing for Guy B, while Guy A just sits there having no chance at all. Guy A witnesses the rise and fall of Girl A because of Guy B. Guy A feels like shit, coz he knows if he had a chance with Girl A he would treat her like an angel. But he doesn’t so he just sits there giving up on the world. Most likely Girl A just continues and makes mistake after mistake over and over again.
But yes it’s that whole concept of happy endings. They don’t exist. I am living proof of that.
So yes I’ll keep being an idiot and thinking about you. All the while knowing I don’t have a choice. Maybe I’ll get over you. I’ll have to anyway. Other people have much better chance anyway.

I know you’ve probably all heard what I’ve said above already anyway. I don’t even know why I bother blogging this. Not like many people read this anyway. Well I guess it’s a way I can reflect.

P.S. some ppl need to get the fact through their heads I’m not going to change just because you don’t like a particular aspect about me. Fact is I am who I am. Get the fuck over it. If you can’t, piss off.


The name's Damien.
Just a note. Everything I write on this blog is just shit I need to get out. So if you are a follower and I haven't blocked you. It is probably because I trust you reading all this. So please don't share this link with everyone. Thanks.

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