HaCkInG pRo?
Monday, August 29, 2011, 12:58 AM | back to the top.
For those who want to at least pretend to be as good as chris whittle at coding go on this:I had my brother convinced for a good 10 minutes that I was a computer hacking god.
¶ 12:58 AM
I'm With You
Sunday, August 28, 2011, 2:10 AM | back to the top.
© 2011 WMG
"Meet Me At The Corner" by Red Hot Chili Peppers from "I'm With You."
Please don't ask me who, who you think I am,
I could live without that, I'm just a modest man.
Meet me at the corner and oh, tell me what to do.
Cause I messed up on you, and had I known all that I do now,
I'm guessing we're through now,
Proceeding into the forest, I will lay around and wait,
And I'll wait for you.
Please don't ask me where, where you think I've been,
I've been a lot of places but this could be my win.
Meet me at the corner where I'll, tell me what to do.
Cause I messed up on you, and had I known all that I do now,
I'm guessing we're through now,
Proceeding into the forest, I will lay around and wait,
And I'll wait for you.
I feel so bad, I thought you'd wanna know,
I feel so bad, I thought you'd wanna know,
Something I wanna show, I thought you'd wanna know.
Please don't say you want to keep in touch,
I bare to see you on the corner, that I just can't bare.
Meet me at the corner and oh, tell me what to do.
Cause I messed up on you, and had I known all that I do now,
I'm guessing we're through now,
Proceeding into the forest, I will lay around and wait,
And I'll wait for you.
And I turn, I turn my head when I thought I saw a sign from the gods,
A sign from the gods that you were meant to be mine, and it's fine,
Taking it all for a ride til the day when it's gone,
I mystified my way, it all went wrong when it's gone,
I live and I learn and I lose and I win, but it's better whenever,
Whenever I'm here, thank you girl for everywhere that I've been.
So the Red Hot Chili Pepper's new album came out on the 26th/08/2011. Now as I've mentioned before I'm not really too sure completely of my opinion of it, but here I go.
If you are looking for the rawness the Pepper's used to have when they had John Frusciante, turn away now. This album isn't the band that you've grown to love in the past. They've obviously got a huge hole in their music without John. John was a major song writer, he brought the most amazing guitar parts which just worked. The combination of Flea, Keidis, John and Chad is what the Pepper's will always be for me. They are the band I fell in love with.
In saying that I've realised you have to look at this album from a different point of view. You can't look at it like this is a Pepper's album without John Frusciante.
Instead you have to look at it like this is an album of a different Pepper's. They've said it before, that this album reflected the change they've gone through and shows where they are in their lives now. In noting that and listening to the music you can definitely realise what they are talking about. This isn't the stoner pepper's which used to be on a high all the time. This is the pepper's that have grown old and have families now. So you really have to look at the band from a new light.
So when I tried to listen to it from a new light I finally understood the music. Musically the album is amazing. Flea having gone to music school and learn't piano, and the addition of new guitarist Josh Klinghoffer who is a fully developed musician has brought to the band real technically smart music. Old peppers was just raw, they really had no major musical knowledge, and was primarily just pure emotion in the form of music. I think that's why a lot of people loved them to begin with. New pepper's however is music that is very refined in comparison to old peppers.
But in the end the music is amazing. Flea's new musical knowledge reflects greatly on his bass playing as well as song structure in general. There are amazing melodic fills here and there, plus the addition of regular piano on a lot of the tracks is welcoming to the ears. I will definitely always miss John and the rawness the pepper's used to have. But their new stuff is still amazing, although in a different way. I think a lot of hardcore fans will be somewhat disappointed, I sure was. But the band's grown, you can hear that in their music. And I for one cannot wait until they tour Australia. I'll be singing along with both their old and new songs.
¶ 2:10 AM
I'm With You
Saturday, August 27, 2011, 6:48 AM | back to the top.
The new Red Hot Chili Pepper's album is out. "I'm with you".I'll properly post about it later. But I though I'd share my favourite song off the record here. It's called "Did I let you know". It's very different but really nice. Have a listen.
¶ 6:48 AM
Friday, August 19, 2011, 2:32 AM | back to the top.

taken from teresa~
¶ 2:32 AM
, 2:03 AM | back to the top.
So you know what I said about the surgery being low risk... I take that back.I just read the pamphlet about the operation and I'm shitting myself.....
Abnormal scarring, possible blood clotting, serious chest infections, nasal splint (some plastic thing up my nose for a week), front lower part of nose may drop down and require further surgery, a collection of pus may develop, LOTS OF PAIN IN GENERAL, possible lost of nerve feeling in upper mouth for a month, and of course possible heart attack. Now they say that this is all rare, but it has happened. Apparently it's 4 months to fully heal.....
¶ 2:03 AM
, 1:18 AM | back to the top.
ASFJKLHJKASGLKSJHASGKJHGSKHMetro Trains..... Fuck you... simple as that.
So there I was, on my way home after school having a brilliant afternoon. Just imagine one of those Disney films where the princess is in the forest singing with all the animals. Well that was basically me.. on the train... without the animals. Point is I was in a good mood.
For those who don't catch the Pakenham/Cranbourne Line, the train tracks basically cuts in two after Dandenong and goes either to Pakenham or Cranbourne. Now I was on a CRANBOURNE train. Meaning it would go to Cranbourne after Dandenong. Metro decided that this wasn't the case for some reason.
The driver said the announcer at Dandenong station signaled the train onto the wrong tracks and that we are now going to Pakenham. Thanks Metro, thank you very much.
You know what for a company that is supposed to be fixing the transport system
you sure aren't doing a good job. Time and time again you fail to do the simplest thing. Seriously how hard is it to get a train on the right freaking line. Seriously step up your game.
Now for the "update" portion of this post.

A few days ago I went to some sinus specialist in Frankston. For those who don't know I have a condition with my sinuses (I can't remember the long complicated name). Basically the cartilage running down the middle of my nose is bent. Apparently it's pretty bad according to my doctor, she was genuinely shocked. But yeah that is the reason I'm always blowing my nose essentially, it's ruining my sinus system. Because of the bend itself too it's blocked out an entrance to my left sinus (you can see this on the image as the large pink patch to the side of the nose). Because of this blockage it hasn't been getting enough oxygen and is under developed. So hopefully in December sometime I'll be getting the "septum" cut and straightened and the entrance to the sinus increased.
It's not a huge risky operation but I'm still nervous. Never had a big operation before.
¶ 1:18 AM
Thursday, August 18, 2011, 5:00 AM | back to the top.
So yeah have I mentioned I love Muse?
Because well I do.
So I just decided to put on a muse song before because I was feeling a bit b
ored. And no joke I nearly teared up LOL. I layed off Muse for a while admittedly. I needed to give them a break just to regain my lust for them. And I can guarantee it's back. THEY ARE JUST SO GOOD!
Haters gonna hate!
I will always miss seeing them live, but I just can't wait till next time. YOU JUST TRY AND TELL ME THIS IS NOT EPIC.
¶ 5:00 AM
Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 4:07 AM | back to the top.
Past.Always so distant, but always right next to you. I mean think about it, everything that's ever happened to you is so far away right? You can't go back and change the past. It's just not possible. Things happen, but you'll never be able to effect the past in any way.
It's kind of comforting in a way though. Regrets are kind of pointless, as you cannot change anything. Of course you'll still have regrets, we all do. But it's comforting knowing that you can't really effect what course you would've taken given you made a different decision somewhere along the path. You can't change anything is basically what I'm saying.
However then there's the other side. The past is kind of like eternal torture. That's a dark thing to say I know but think about it. You'll always wonder in the back of your mind what would've/could've happened if you decided to take some other path somewhere along the line. Kind of contradicting to what I've already said but that's kind of how it works. Some things you let go, some things you hold onto.
You had strawberry yesterday when you could've had banana. Then you realize during eating the strawberry that you allergic to it.
So in this case you regret it yeah, but you let it go. It's nothing really serious right. How about this..
You decide to fuck over VCE because you cannot be bothered doing the work.
Now this obviously you will hold onto right. It's a past decision that you really do regret quite a bit.
See you never really know for sure how something in the present will effect you until it is the past. One thing is for certain I really don't want any more regrets.
¶ 4:07 AM
, 2:00 AM | back to the top.
¶ 2:00 AM
Should be doing work?
Friday, August 12, 2011, 1:46 AM | back to the top.
So yeah I probably should be doing some homework right now but I'm really not in the mood. So I think I'll blog, it's been a good few weeks I think. FIRSTLY AWESOME NEW BLOG SONG PPL.
So it's Weezer pulling off a great cover of Viva la vida. I absolutely love this. It isn't a dramatic change from the original song, but the lead vocalist Rivers Cuomo's voice on these certain notes is just amazing. If you bother listening to it (which I highly recommend you do) you'll know the parts I'm talking about.
So school, far out school. Anyone else going through this phase that just doesn't seem like ending? You just spend hours sitting there telling yourself to do homework, but you just won't? I really have no one to blame but myself in the end. I complain and complain and never get anything done.
So basically my short term goals at the moment is try and get something decent in Methods. I'm thinking a raw in methods over 30 or 35 (yet to decide which number) will satisfy me. And then next year I'm pretty much going to live in my study (as in the room) and study. Anything over 90 and I'll be extremely happy. Anything over 95 I promise you I will break down and start crying of happiness.
Realistically these are my options (in terms of preference/actually getting the ATAR necessary) of possible UNI courses:
(1) Engineering (Mechanical) Monash University Clayton - 91-92
(2) Mechanical Engineering/Business Management RMIT City/Bundoora - 89
(3) Mechanical Engineering RMIT City/Bundoora - 84
(4) Probs a Tafe if I really get this low, probably something in automotive.
(5) Fuck it I'm gonna do an Arts @ anywhere
I just need to get my act together soon. Probably going to be a hectic day tomorrow trying to get chemistry and methods done. Far out hope I get something decent done.
So many issues these days. Problems don't seem to go away as usual. But of course I'm just a depressed cunt complaining about life right? What to do what to do. I'm stuck in this weird place at the moment. I basically have two options, admit defeat and not bother fixing my friendships (although A LOT of them I just don't want anymore), or try fixing a friendship I don't think other parties want?
Le sigh. Friendships these days. At least I'm glad I held onto the friends I can count on.
¶ 1:46 AM