Always so distant, but always right next to you. I mean think about it, everything that's ever happened to you is so far away right? You can't go back and change the past. It's just not possible. Things happen, but you'll never be able to effect the past in any way.
It's kind of comforting in a way though. Regrets are kind of pointless, as you cannot change anything. Of course you'll still have regrets, we all do. But it's comforting knowing that you can't really effect what course you would've taken given you made a different decision somewhere along the path. You can't change anything is basically what I'm saying.
However then there's the other side. The past is kind of like eternal torture. That's a dark thing to say I know but think about it. You'll always wonder in the back of your mind what would've/could've happened if you decided to take some other path somewhere along the line. Kind of contradicting to what I've already said but that's kind of how it works. Some things you let go, some things you hold onto.
You had strawberry yesterday when you could've had banana. Then you realize during eating the strawberry that you allergic to it.
So in this case you regret it yeah, but you let it go. It's nothing really serious right. How about this..
You decide to fuck over VCE because you cannot be bothered doing the work.
Now this obviously you will hold onto right. It's a past decision that you really do regret quite a bit.
See you never really know for sure how something in the present will effect you until it is the past. One thing is for certain I really don't want any more regrets.
Always so distant, but always right next to you. I mean think about it, everything that's ever happened to you is so far away right? You can't go back and change the past. It's just not possible. Things happen, but you'll never be able to effect the past in any way.
It's kind of comforting in a way though. Regrets are kind of pointless, as you cannot change anything. Of course you'll still have regrets, we all do. But it's comforting knowing that you can't really effect what course you would've taken given you made a different decision somewhere along the path. You can't change anything is basically what I'm saying.
However then there's the other side. The past is kind of like eternal torture. That's a dark thing to say I know but think about it. You'll always wonder in the back of your mind what would've/could've happened if you decided to take some other path somewhere along the line. Kind of contradicting to what I've already said but that's kind of how it works. Some things you let go, some things you hold onto.
You had strawberry yesterday when you could've had banana. Then you realize during eating the strawberry that you allergic to it.
So in this case you regret it yeah, but you let it go. It's nothing really serious right. How about this..
You decide to fuck over VCE because you cannot be bothered doing the work.
Now this obviously you will hold onto right. It's a past decision that you really do regret quite a bit.
See you never really know for sure how something in the present will effect you until it is the past. One thing is for certain I really don't want any more regrets.
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Name's Damien, music is the game. Don't know where I'd be without it.
Mucked around with some themes coz I was bored.
Here's my negative release on the world.
Fav Bands
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Anything that isn't bullshit pop
Musicman Stingray bass
Ferrari 599
Maxda rx7 fortune by veilside
most bullshit mainstream music
annoying girls who like playing with guys
most people