So yes of course this will be a post about Prom. Which I've got to say was just amazing! Everything came together so well, with the band and everything. I think it is safe to say the night was a definite success. This is kinda really long so sorry about that.
I'll start off with just putting into perspective just how amazing of a night that was. Because I reckon it was at least at par or if not greater than seeing Muse live. NOW THAT IS A VERY BOLD STATEMENT COMING FROM ME! You all know how much it meant to me to see Muse live. But prom I've got to say was just something else, I had so much fun.
So I guess I'll start off with a run through of the events during the evening. Well I showed up to Shazz's place around 2.30-ish I think. We basically went over all our stuff, making sure we had everything we needed. We just jammed for 30 mins until we had to suit up. And I've got to say I looked pretty decent for once in a suit. So yeah we then loaded up the car and drove to Contessa Receptions.
We got to Contessa about 4.30pm. We were 30 mins early for our sound check, but we unloaded the stuff and walked inside. The roadies were there and seemed pretty pissed off. I really don't like them, kinda treated us like amateurs. Anyways we waited for about 40 minutes until the rest of the band got there for sound check. Everything seemed pretty fine, no major issues with the songs we ran through. Which really amazed me, I mean the band was told on MONDAY that we were playing. So with one day of planning and 4 practices which weren't ideal either, we managed to get an Intro and 2 songs together.
So the set was:
Intro/Can't Stop - Red Hot Chili Peppers live in Hyde Park
Are you gonna be my girl - Jet
Slow Dancing in a burning room - John Mayer.
Once we had the sound check we chilled a bit. Walked over to 7/11 next to Contessa because Shazz wanted to buy some water. We probably looked so weird walking over fully suited up. And Andrew Craig looked hilarious wearing sunnies at night with a suit on.
Then the night "officially began", we didn't really get checked at all for our tickets which meant we wasted $60. But yeah it was 7pm and no one had really shown up in numbers yet. It started crowding up a bit and the band decided to get some photos taken.
Aleks then arrived with an amazing dress! In fact all the girls dressed up really well. I really couldn't recognize half the people there. But the nerves started building up for the performance. So eventually I decided to go and dance a bit to loosen up, which I did with Aleks and the guys. So the first hour wasn't too bad and we rounded up the band to go chat in the "Curtain room?".
Usually band pump up was in order and walked on stage feeling pretty good.
So Eddy started off the Intro and we all came in as planned. There were a few minor things that went a bit weird, I don't think anyone really noticed them. I mean we really couldn't hear ourselves, we sounded so shit from where I was standing, but people at the back said it sounded amazing so I hope it was. And then I came to the song which was pretty much the most stressing on me. Which was Are you gonna be my girl. Bass standalone solos nerve me, I just kept thinking don't screw up and have fun with it. And that's what I did. Just played the parts through and got the crowd pumping. Loved the fact that the crowd sang along really well which really just broke away and nerves from that point. And slow dancing was just a really chill song for us. Eddy, Matt and Shazz pulled off some amazing solos. I dunno if everyone could hear them or not but it went really well.
So I guess after the band played was when I really loosened up. I had one of those fuck it I'm just gonna have fun moments. And I really have no regrets about the whole night now. I'm glad I danced and just had fun. That's what it was really all about. Shazz really went wild and I think it rubbed off on me. Danced with so many randoms I would never expect to dance with haha. Switched groups around heaps. Then some how managed myself into the asian girl circle with Arjun haha. Then of course someone had to push me in, so I just dragged Arjun in with me. LOL I probably looked like such an idiot. Then Shazz jumps in too haha. It was amazingly fun. I know the photos are going to be really bad. Incase you all haven't realized I can't smile on impulse. Like I tried about 5 times to get a pic with Sherri which just failed because I can't smile.
But yeah the dancing was awesome, had so much fun. Even somehow got a slow dance in with Aleks. Campbell's crew played really well. When they finished the DJ started playing that "90's cheesy dance music??". I don' really know how to define it, but it was like Grease Lightning and Jitterbug. Had a dance with Junie and Teresa which was fun. I really had no idea what I was doing but oh well. The night ended off really well with Black Eyed Peas and Usher. I think this was definitely one of the best night I've ever had so far.
Now for a sort of reflection I suppose. But you know ever since moving to this school stuff hasn't really gone my way. And I think prom was something I really needed. Letting all your problems just drift away for a really good night was something I needed. And you know I've really decided that you know what, I'm going to try and be more positive now I guess. I think in my post -prom think sesh last night I realized I really shouldn't hold so many grudges against people. Even those people who've hurt me the most. Maybe it's about time I try fixing friendships instead of letting them just fall apart. I think I've forgiven most people at this stage, at least to an extent. I don't even have any reasons to do so, but I feel like I should.
So yeah from this point on I'm going to try and be a better me.
Labels: prom, sorry for any typos
So yes of course this will be a post about Prom. Which I've got to say was just amazing! Everything came together so well, with the band and everything. I think it is safe to say the night was a definite success. This is kinda really long so sorry about that.
I'll start off with just putting into perspective just how amazing of a night that was. Because I reckon it was at least at par or if not greater than seeing Muse live. NOW THAT IS A VERY BOLD STATEMENT COMING FROM ME! You all know how much it meant to me to see Muse live. But prom I've got to say was just something else, I had so much fun.
So I guess I'll start off with a run through of the events during the evening. Well I showed up to Shazz's place around 2.30-ish I think. We basically went over all our stuff, making sure we had everything we needed. We just jammed for 30 mins until we had to suit up. And I've got to say I looked pretty decent for once in a suit. So yeah we then loaded up the car and drove to Contessa Receptions.
We got to Contessa about 4.30pm. We were 30 mins early for our sound check, but we unloaded the stuff and walked inside. The roadies were there and seemed pretty pissed off. I really don't like them, kinda treated us like amateurs. Anyways we waited for about 40 minutes until the rest of the band got there for sound check. Everything seemed pretty fine, no major issues with the songs we ran through. Which really amazed me, I mean the band was told on MONDAY that we were playing. So with one day of planning and 4 practices which weren't ideal either, we managed to get an Intro and 2 songs together.
So the set was:
Intro/Can't Stop - Red Hot Chili Peppers live in Hyde Park
Are you gonna be my girl - Jet
Slow Dancing in a burning room - John Mayer.
Once we had the sound check we chilled a bit. Walked over to 7/11 next to Contessa because Shazz wanted to buy some water. We probably looked so weird walking over fully suited up. And Andrew Craig looked hilarious wearing sunnies at night with a suit on.
Then the night "officially began", we didn't really get checked at all for our tickets which meant we wasted $60. But yeah it was 7pm and no one had really shown up in numbers yet. It started crowding up a bit and the band decided to get some photos taken.
Aleks then arrived with an amazing dress! In fact all the girls dressed up really well. I really couldn't recognize half the people there. But the nerves started building up for the performance. So eventually I decided to go and dance a bit to loosen up, which I did with Aleks and the guys. So the first hour wasn't too bad and we rounded up the band to go chat in the "Curtain room?".
Usually band pump up was in order and walked on stage feeling pretty good.
So Eddy started off the Intro and we all came in as planned. There were a few minor things that went a bit weird, I don't think anyone really noticed them. I mean we really couldn't hear ourselves, we sounded so shit from where I was standing, but people at the back said it sounded amazing so I hope it was. And then I came to the song which was pretty much the most stressing on me. Which was Are you gonna be my girl. Bass standalone solos nerve me, I just kept thinking don't screw up and have fun with it. And that's what I did. Just played the parts through and got the crowd pumping. Loved the fact that the crowd sang along really well which really just broke away and nerves from that point. And slow dancing was just a really chill song for us. Eddy, Matt and Shazz pulled off some amazing solos. I dunno if everyone could hear them or not but it went really well.
So I guess after the band played was when I really loosened up. I had one of those fuck it I'm just gonna have fun moments. And I really have no regrets about the whole night now. I'm glad I danced and just had fun. That's what it was really all about. Shazz really went wild and I think it rubbed off on me. Danced with so many randoms I would never expect to dance with haha. Switched groups around heaps. Then some how managed myself into the asian girl circle with Arjun haha. Then of course someone had to push me in, so I just dragged Arjun in with me. LOL I probably looked like such an idiot. Then Shazz jumps in too haha. It was amazingly fun. I know the photos are going to be really bad. Incase you all haven't realized I can't smile on impulse. Like I tried about 5 times to get a pic with Sherri which just failed because I can't smile.
But yeah the dancing was awesome, had so much fun. Even somehow got a slow dance in with Aleks. Campbell's crew played really well. When they finished the DJ started playing that "90's cheesy dance music??". I don' really know how to define it, but it was like Grease Lightning and Jitterbug. Had a dance with Junie and Teresa which was fun. I really had no idea what I was doing but oh well. The night ended off really well with Black Eyed Peas and Usher. I think this was definitely one of the best night I've ever had so far.
Now for a sort of reflection I suppose. But you know ever since moving to this school stuff hasn't really gone my way. And I think prom was something I really needed. Letting all your problems just drift away for a really good night was something I needed. And you know I've really decided that you know what, I'm going to try and be more positive now I guess. I think in my post -prom think sesh last night I realized I really shouldn't hold so many grudges against people. Even those people who've hurt me the most. Maybe it's about time I try fixing friendships instead of letting them just fall apart. I think I've forgiven most people at this stage, at least to an extent. I don't even have any reasons to do so, but I feel like I should.
So yeah from this point on I'm going to try and be a better me.
Labels: prom, sorry for any typos
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Name's Damien, music is the game. Don't know where I'd be without it.
Mucked around with some themes coz I was bored.
Here's my negative release on the world.
Fav Bands
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Anything that isn't bullshit pop
Musicman Stingray bass
Ferrari 599
Maxda rx7 fortune by veilside
most bullshit mainstream music
annoying girls who like playing with guys
most people