Saturday, April 30, 2011, 7:26 AM | back to the top.
fark im in the shittiest mood atm.this is a reminder so I properly blog tomorrow.
¶ 7:26 AM
Sunday, April 24, 2011, 5:20 AM | back to the top.
Something about me for anyone interested.I tend to think a lot as most people know. If I start thinking on some tiny topic, like religion for example, I'd almost definitely go into thinking about life in general. I try to find meaning in things, when they shouldn't necessarily have meanings. Obvious things being existence, society, simple relationships with people. I spend a lot of time just thinking, playing out scenarios, events, ideas, over and over in my head. All to find meaning. I guess this was further provoked by something the priest said today at church. I'm not exactly relgious, I go for my mum really, however this particular priest can really get past the bullshit in the world and straight to what matters. I have a feeling I won't sleep tonight.
¶ 5:20 AM
Thursday, April 21, 2011, 12:35 AM | back to the top.
You know what. Fuck this. I doubt things can really get any worse.¶ 12:35 AM
Monday, April 18, 2011, 6:40 PM | back to the top.
Why can't this all just go away. Please.Just fucking piss off.
The last thing I need right now is to be reminded of everything everywhere I look.
I can't get away from it. There is always something, somewhere that will remind me.
A tv show, a random inanimate object.
I maybe "depressed" to everyone.
But let's see how they deal with the shit I've been through the last year or so.
And no it's not just fucking "girls". As so many people think it is.
Right now I don't know where the fuck my life is heading.
Seems like barely anyone gives a shit. They can just live their happy lives then I suppose.
The shit that has happened over the last month or so really didn't help either.
It's always heading downhill for me, what the fuck did I do really.
I hope "god" is fucking happy. Go ahead big man in the sky, bring it.
Because I highly doubt things can get any worse for me.
I'm loosing friends and people constantly.
Not to mention the people I've lost literally.
I don't know what to do anymore.
¶ 6:40 PM
, 1:34 AM | back to the top.
Don't you love it when your whole family gathers around and looks over the SAC you failed.Then your brother just has to point out how badly you failed.
Followed by a 10 minute lecture as always.
For fucks sake.
¶ 1:34 AM
Sunday, April 17, 2011, 6:34 AM | back to the top.
Man some friends fuck sake.Don't start talking to me about girls and advice.
Fuck man after the bullshit advice you've given me.
The last thing I'm gonna do is help you out. Fuck off.
¶ 6:34 AM
, 5:51 AM | back to the top.
So I was talking to a tumblr friend on fb and she was telling me about the Malaysian highschool system. I think I'm gonna complain less about VCE now....They have 4 exams every year from GRADE 1!
Then they get to our equivalent of VCE final exams...
Three major exam = UPSR, PMR, SPM, optional = STPM
(wtf is with these acronyms really...)
UPSR (Grade 6) - 5 subjects
PMR (Grade 9) - 7 subjects
SPM (Grade 11) - 9/10/11 subjects
STPM (Grade 12) - 10/11/12
you need to get 9A+ (that means 90% and above) to get a decent course and scholarship.
So much respect for Malaysian highschoolers atm......
STPM (Grade 12) - 10/11/12
you need to get 9A+ (that means 90% and above) to get a decent course and scholarship.
So much respect for Malaysian highschoolers atm......
¶ 5:51 AM
Friday, April 15, 2011, 6:06 AM | back to the top.
I wonder whether excluding yourself from the world for a period of time is the best way to understand yourself. I guess it's just you and nothing else then. No distractions.¶ 6:06 AM
, 12:54 AM | back to the top.
You know what is really sad. When you go on msn for a whole day and no one talks to you. lol.¶ 12:54 AM
Wednesday, April 13, 2011, 4:42 AM | back to the top.
Why, it's all I can ask. Why do you feel the need to do this to so many people.It's not just me, you know it, everyone knows it.
What I'm trying to figure out is why you do it.
Don't pretend to be all innocent like you don't know what you are doing wrong.
You know well and truly.
So why do you continue to do it?
Fucking why?
¶ 4:42 AM
, 3:49 AM | back to the top.
asdfghjkl¶ 3:49 AM
, 3:45 AM | back to the top.
Yeah seems to me my option 2 isn't really working out.It doesn't really help that I've got no one to really talk to anymore.
Everyone seems too preoccupied with their other friends.
¶ 3:45 AM
Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 9:27 PM | back to the top.
I wonder whether my approach on friendships is really the right option.There are two different ways you can approach people and friendships.
1). Make friends with as many people as possible. Be a nice person all round to everyone,(with a few exceptions).
2). Make friends with a select group of people. Not really be that out there, and only trust those "few" that you consider good friends.
As is obvious I'm 2). But like I've come to realise a flaw in the whole "have only a few really close friends" option. If one of those friends starts loosening in their ties to you, things tend to get bad. Generally because with having a few closer friends, it effects you more when you start loosing them. You see having a larger number of friends means you can generally let people go quite easily. Just have a fall back plan and go on to the next person.
But is being one of those numerous "fake" people really a good option. Turning into a generic plastic slave of society in return for a somewhat cliche'd happy life.
¶ 9:27 PM
, 8:23 PM | back to the top.
“You could have been number one. And you could’ve ruled the whole world. And we could’ve had so much fun… But you blew it away.” — | Muse- Uno |
¶ 8:23 PM
, 8:21 PM | back to the top.
kinda just realised I need more friends I can actually count on, or actually friends in general.¶ 8:21 PM
, 5:51 AM | back to the top.
Who are you?How do you know so much about what happened?
Because this is seriously fucked now, I don't know who to trust.
"You guess that you miss my friendship... that makes me feel so much better."
¶ 5:51 AM
, 1:52 AM | back to the top.
Do you even care?Did you ever want to fix this?
Did I ever matter?
¶ 1:52 AM
Monday, April 11, 2011, 9:44 PM | back to the top.

I don't really have anything against this guy. The words that come out of his mouth most of the time actually mean something.
¶ 9:44 PM
, 7:04 PM | back to the top.
Anyone ever had one of those moments. Were just by reading something or being told something, gives you that sinking feeling. Like actually drags you under for some reason. I'm so fucked now, with everything. Just don't really know what to do, I just sit here doing nothing.¶ 7:04 PM
, 6:38 PM | back to the top.
I wonder if you realise yet. Exactly what you do to guys.Is there not enough evidence or what?
¶ 6:38 PM
, 6:18 AM | back to the top.
*sigh*, what the fuck is wrong with people.Some just love making life more complicated.
¶ 6:18 AM
Sunday, April 10, 2011, 5:57 PM | back to the top.
¶ 5:57 PM
, 2:25 AM | back to the top.
FUCK, why doesn't this all go away.¶ 2:25 AM
, 1:18 AM | back to the top.
So I see all this stuff that's supposed to motivate people when it comes to thinking about relationships."Just tell the person, see what happens, you never know what might happen, you almost definately have a chance."
But you know what really pisses me off, when I hear girls saying, "I hate it when guys think they don't have a chance".
FUCKING HELLO, you all know it's the truth. So why fucking say it.
¶ 1:18 AM
, 1:15 AM | back to the top.
You are someone I'll never truly get over, but rather a mistake I wish I never made.¶ 1:15 AM
Saturday, April 9, 2011, 6:08 AM | back to the top.
And it all just keeps getting better don't it.¶ 6:08 AM
, 5:39 AM | back to the top.
Wow the amount of rage within myself atm..............¶ 5:39 AM
, 2:22 AM | back to the top.
FOR FUCKS SAKES PARENTSStop fucking lecturing me on how I'm failing everything. Okay yeah I'm doing bad. BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO FUCKING BLAME IT ON ME LISTENING TO MUSIC. Oh he has some headphones in, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, STUDY.
So you want me to stop listening to music when I'm studying. CAN YOU NOT FUCKING HEAR ME, I'M NOT STUDYING, I'M JUST READING. I fucking said that to you 10 times.
You know what parents, fuck you, fuck off, I don't give a fuck about you. Stop expecting me to be getting 100 percent on everything, I'm a fucking human, and you are the reason I'm starting to break down over all this shit. So fuck you, you are killing me inside, I hope you realise that. If I had somewhere to go right now besides home I would, so you better not push me. Because I will fucking do it. And stop comparing me to my fucking cousins, and worst of all to my fucking brother. He's in year 8 for fucks sake, so what he's getting 100% in math. Do you not fucking realise I did too at his age. I know he is your favourite, stop fucking rubbing it in.
So fuck this, fuck the world. Fuck you. Why has nothing ever good just happened to me. Just fucking once in my life, could the world stop giving me shit. Because I can't deal with all this fucking pressure, all these fucking expectations. All I want is happiness, can I just have that? What the fuck have I done so wrong to deserve this.
¶ 2:22 AM
Friday, April 8, 2011, 6:04 AM | back to the top.
You know you are bros with someone when you fucking go insane when they score with a girl.This shit made my day.
¶ 6:04 AM
Disappear - Royal Pirates
, 3:46 AM | back to the top.
TERESA GOT ME INTO THIS.Tell me that this is my mistake and you're not
Telling me that this is the end, no I hope not
And you are burning me inside
Things that I've never meant to say I told you
Things that you wanted me to say, I never did
And this is burning me inside
I'll try to leave this behind
I'll try to leave you afar
Would you disappear
To where you've never been before
I just can't let you be here no more
And I'm not stopping you here
So just disappear
Taken me down and let me drown
I should've taken you down with me
And all the things we share
Lets just burn it all in sight
I'll try to leave this behind
I'll try to leave you afar
Would you disappear
To where you've never been before
I just can't let you be here no more
And I'm not stopping you here
So just disappear
Would you disappear
To where you've never been before
I just can't let you be here no more
And I'm not stopping you here
Would you disappear
To where you've never been before
I just can't let you be here no more
And I'm not stopping you here
So just disappear
¶ 3:46 AM
, 12:50 AM | back to the top.
"And I don't ever want to feel like I did that day. Take me to the place I love, take me all the way"¶ 12:50 AM
, 12:39 AM | back to the top.
Fine. Go flirt with all your guys, get them all to like you until you find one you actually like back. That's cool. Go ahead. The shittest part of all this is that I can't hate you, as much as I want to, I just can't, I never will.What a fucked up day. So much shit happened. Quite a way to end such a hectic term. Hopefully these holidays are much better.
¶ 12:39 AM
Thursday, April 7, 2011, 3:36 PM | back to the top.
I can't stand all this anymore. Why am I such a dickhead. Nothing ever turns out well for me. Just once I wish it wouldPublished with Blogger-droid v1.6.8
¶ 3:36 PM
, 3:33 PM | back to the top.
I hate that whenever I see you I die inside. And I hate that you don't care. Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8
¶ 3:33 PM
Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 1:12 AM | back to the top.
I really envy those who are religious for some reason. Whenever they come to some kind of major decisive moment in their life, they will always have religion behind them to help support them. For people like me we are generally on our own in these moments. We don't have that satisfaction of knowing there is some sort of devine being helping us along. And I wish sometimes that I had the gift of fate to believe that there is some kind of God. It would make things so much clearer for me. I mean I've tried being a buddhist like my dad, but to be honest I had a rough time properly thinking over the concepts. Then tried Christianity like my mum, but it's one of those religions where you have to accept things for what they are, and I just didn't have the faith I suppose. Answers is something I need, but is religion the place to find it?¶ 1:12 AM
, 1:08 AM | back to the top.
I hate that you are completely uneffected. You don't even care.¶ 1:08 AM
Monday, April 4, 2011, 12:29 AM | back to the top.
Just found this on a random blogg."Let me tell you this: If you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them."
¶ 12:29 AM
Sunday, April 3, 2011, 2:55 AM | back to the top.
Never has a song ever quite definitely summed up my life atm.Before the beginning - John Frusciante. (The song I have placed a few posts back)
It has no lyrics, just pure drums and guitar. And it is beyond words to describe.
9 minutes of pure emotion, nothing else. And it isn't that "play as many notes in 30 seconds" kinda song. It is just purely emotion. It is the only way I can describe it.
And for some reason it gets to me. Just something I suppose I can connect to, and I understand it. Now I truly understand the capabilities of the guitar. It is a voice, not an instrument. It talks, it converses with you. This just shows how amazing John Frusciante is. For those who don't know who he is, he was the ex-guitarist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers (my second favourite band). I hold so much respect for him. The amount of pain he has gone through in his life really shows in this. A sole guitar calling out in emptiness.
And this song just sums me up completely atm.
¶ 2:55 AM
Saturday, April 2, 2011, 6:45 PM | back to the top.
I guess I can't do anything now. What's done is done.Would I want to change what has happaned? Yes.
But in the end I guess I just have to move on.
Hoping that one day things will balance itself out.
It was my decision, I have to stick with it.
¶ 6:45 PM
, 5:03 PM | back to the top.
¶ 5:03 PM
, 12:25 AM | back to the top.
The world is full of beginnings and endings. Sometimes endings come without you really wanting them. But they are always necessary if you want new beginnings. Maybe it's just how the world works. I've made my decisions, no turning back. Now I just sit here, wondering, were they the right ones? I could've just lived a lie I suppose, just tried not to change things. But in the end the same situation will always eventuate. The hard decisions are always the ones that bring the most change.¶ 12:25 AM
Friday, April 1, 2011, 10:34 PM | back to the top.
It is times like this, that one can understand true emotional pain.Pain that runs past just physical boundaries, pain that runs deep into your core.
Tearing you apart from the inside. Blinding all sense of time.
Slowly cutting away at your soul, as a part of you disappears.
As a part of your very humanity is lost.
Does anyone understand that pain.
The pain of knowing a whole part of you, a whole part of your existance.
Will be gone forever, will never be recovered.
It goes further than just regret.
It is much more than that.
It is the knowledge of knowing.
That a part of you, will be lost for eternity.
That she will never return.
¶ 10:34 PM
, 6:45 PM | back to the top.
Happy endings just don't exist for guys like me. Simple as that.We are just fucking wierd to you all.
Outcasts in your mind.
What the fuck is wrong with the world.
¶ 6:45 PM
, 5:44 PM | back to the top.
Maybe now you'll understand everything.¶ 5:44 PM
, 12:16 AM | back to the top.
You know for some reason I wasn't depressed like everyone expects me to be.I had a reason not to be. But instead I wasn't. I guess everyone expects me to naturally be in a shit mood. But I came to a realisation today. It's the kind of realisation someone can only come to when they've been through a lot.
But yeah today I realised that yes shit things happen to me, maybe it isn't exactly fair. But something Ms Abels said sorta clicked in my head.
"It is only through failures that one can learn"
And as cliche as it might seem. In that moment I had one of those 'life flashed before my eyes' moments, except you know excluding the close to death part. The point being I've learn't a lot in the last year and a bit. And I mean A LOT.
So yeah in the end screw you. You wanted to screw me over. Fine then. Fuck you.
Fuck my parents.
Fuck bothering with girls.
Fuck school.
Fuck University.
Fuck the education system.
Fuck the government.
Fuck money.
Fuck my life.
¶ 12:16 AM