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To bother or not to bother
Thursday, October 7, 2010, 1:09 AM | back to the top.
First proper blog for a while. Don't really know what to write about, just had some time on my hands so I thought why not.

Oh and I'm stopping that 30 day letter challenge, because I just can't be fucked going back and figuring out what day I'm on.


So I keep asking myself, why can't I just push out all the crap accumulating in my brain. All the negative thoughts, the feelings, the shit others have given you. I don't want all this shit stuck in here, so please piss off.

But I guess I can't help it, things are just how they are. So I'll still follow the pathetic path I'm on at the moment till the end. A continuous cycle. I mean it's always the same for me.

Something good happens,
I'm expectant of good things to come,
Things look down because of something,
Nothing really changes from this point,
Then some thing really shit happens, and it ruins me, I go through a really shit house stage, but find some reason for why things could look up,
I get over it momentarily, but that one hope for things looking up turns sour,
and once again I'm at the really shit low stage.

Then the cycle repeats, over and over.

What I can't understand is why I still bother with it all. School, homework, family, friends, girls..
I think inside me I've already started not caring, I mean yes I know people, I don't tend to bother with things anyway. But now I really do feel like nothing can make things worse than they already are. So I don't bother with trying.

But is this what I really should do? Maybe I should try, maybe I should bother.
But in the end the cycle just continues.

So here I am stuck with a little bit of a dilemma..

"To bother, or not to bother...." - Damien Kalakespeare
*person in background "SHUT THE FUCK UP NO ONE CARES.."*
(lame joke)


The name's Damien.
Just a note. Everything I write on this blog is just shit I need to get out. So if you are a follower and I haven't blocked you. It is probably because I trust you reading all this. So please don't share this link with everyone. Thanks.

Might be some things still not working on this.
No comments enabled coz it screws up the coding
Times on this are also screwd
Have fun stalking
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