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Friday, August 6, 2010, 1:32 AM | back to the top.
Came to a realisation that time goes very slowly. Cept when you look back over a week it goes really quickly. But I guess this is a good thing. Time to reflect in the short term and allow things to move on in the long term.

Time in most cases to people is seen as a solid path on which you can't change. And I guess you can't do anything significant to effect this path. But what you can do is alter it. The most smallest things can make you entire life change. You could be walking along one path and then dramatically jump paths. I guess this really isn't a new concept but let me add something else into the equation. What if this jump were to send a "ripple" through time. This "ripple" both effects the future as I've said but the past as well. Things you do in the present can change the past. I mean you can't change what you've done in your past. But you can change your perception of what you did and others perception. This perception is the key thing here. I mean the biggest mistakes can be rewritten. So in this sense time is dynamic, not static. Something that moves and evolves with us.


The name's Damien.
Just a note. Everything I write on this blog is just shit I need to get out. So if you are a follower and I haven't blocked you. It is probably because I trust you reading all this. So please don't share this link with everyone. Thanks.

Might be some things still not working on this.
No comments enabled coz it screws up the coding
Times on this are also screwd
Have fun stalking
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