One of those end of year reflective pieces I guess.
Well what can I say besides that it’s been one hell of a year. So much has happened. Many things I regret, this year has been full of that. I won’t say this is the shittest year I’ve had, or the greatest, but it has definitely been the most eventful. So many life lessons have been learned in such a short period of time. It really amazes me when I think back and really see how much I’ve grown.
I’ve learned one very valuable lesson. If it’s too good to be true, then it isn’t. Optimism is something that can break a man. Don’t expect every little detail in your life to be cliché and having a set path. Because it isn’t. The cruel reality is that the world is fucked. Life is fucked. They will always try to bring you down. So don’t sit back, take control of your life while you still have the chance.
Another thing I’ve learnt very dearly about is friendship. The relationships you have with people. Don’t open yourself to people so quickly. You want to know why? Because if it’s fuckhead or a bitch, they will break you down, as quickly as they can, without hesitation at all. Cruel reality. I’m going to take a page out of my friend’s book and choose my friends more wisely, I’ve already started. I’d rather have a few people close to me who I can trust, than a group of people who I can’t. Through this whole year people have come and go. It’s about time I found some people to stay.
Music. Something I believe I’ve matured a lot with this year. I don’t quite know how to describe it. But this year the whole way I view the world around me, and how I view my very existence has been changed through some great music I’ve heard this year. My taste in music has definitely matured. Coming from a very punk, hard-rock background, to someone who listens to just about anything. You know except that Lady Gaga bullshit on the radio. Mainly because of the great friends I have around me. People who have helped me grow I guess, musically. If that makes any sense I don’t know. But my learning curve in regards to music over the next few years will definitely be more exponential.
The year has held ups and downs. The worse day of my life, as well as the best day of my life seeing Muse live. I hope the coming year will be a good one. One final note I want to say thank you. Thank you to my good friends. You know who you are. For being there during my more worse days and putting up with me and my moodiness.
Goodbye 2010.
One of those end of year reflective pieces I guess.
Well what can I say besides that it’s been one hell of a year. So much has happened. Many things I regret, this year has been full of that. I won’t say this is the shittest year I’ve had, or the greatest, but it has definitely been the most eventful. So many life lessons have been learned in such a short period of time. It really amazes me when I think back and really see how much I’ve grown.
I’ve learned one very valuable lesson. If it’s too good to be true, then it isn’t. Optimism is something that can break a man. Don’t expect every little detail in your life to be cliché and having a set path. Because it isn’t. The cruel reality is that the world is fucked. Life is fucked. They will always try to bring you down. So don’t sit back, take control of your life while you still have the chance.
Another thing I’ve learnt very dearly about is friendship. The relationships you have with people. Don’t open yourself to people so quickly. You want to know why? Because if it’s fuckhead or a bitch, they will break you down, as quickly as they can, without hesitation at all. Cruel reality. I’m going to take a page out of my friend’s book and choose my friends more wisely, I’ve already started. I’d rather have a few people close to me who I can trust, than a group of people who I can’t. Through this whole year people have come and go. It’s about time I found some people to stay.
Music. Something I believe I’ve matured a lot with this year. I don’t quite know how to describe it. But this year the whole way I view the world around me, and how I view my very existence has been changed through some great music I’ve heard this year. My taste in music has definitely matured. Coming from a very punk, hard-rock background, to someone who listens to just about anything. You know except that Lady Gaga bullshit on the radio. Mainly because of the great friends I have around me. People who have helped me grow I guess, musically. If that makes any sense I don’t know. But my learning curve in regards to music over the next few years will definitely be more exponential.
The year has held ups and downs. The worse day of my life, as well as the best day of my life seeing Muse live. I hope the coming year will be a good one. One final note I want to say thank you. Thank you to my good friends. You know who you are. For being there during my more worse days and putting up with me and my moodiness.
Goodbye 2010.
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new hobby/project/thing I'll never get finished.
SOOO.. over the last few days being couped up in my small house with nothing much internet and junk food I have been inventing. Or rather been planning on my new creating! A Frankenstein of such, but with MY GUITAR.
*cue random drop in sunlight*
*flickering light on my face with insane laughter*
I have decided over the next however years it takes me to completely pimp up my electric guitar.

Here is it at present
Here is a few mods I plan on doing with external links where necessary. I really don't think anyone will understand this, nor bother reading this pathetic blog but here goes.
1. This is currently already half done.. sorta. I'm getting a new pickguard for my electric. If you look at
this link you'll see an obvious different between my above photo. Why I want to change it is because of the difference you see. I really want a good proper humbucker pickup. Which this has. Eventually I'll replace it with something a bit more pricier and therefore better.
2. I'm planning on getting it painted Metallic Black, coz well it's awesome.
3. I'm going to eventually put a Fernandes guitar sustainer. Which looks like a pickup but is completely different. What is does is making make the guitar "sustain" a note. Usually you twang a guitar and the note dies out eventually. What this does is keep the note ringing aswell as having a really cool harmonic setting.
Here are some links
official siteIf you wanna know more just google/youtube it.
4. Finally with what I've got planned is having an inbuilt guitar pedal. You know those things guitarist sound their guitar through before and amp to get cool sounds? Well one of those inbuilt in the guitar. Cut a whole in it and some fancy electronic work and you are all set.
Here is a guitar with one inbuilt as well as the sustainer I wanted. As well as some other cool mods I am considering doing in the future aswell.Note: I'm not a pro guitar player. Infact I'm first and foremost a bass player. I just needed something to keep me occupied over the next few years so I don't die from VCE. But yer, who knows this might be number one of many other numerous creations later on. Doing something like this to a bass guitar would be cool.
Thanks for reading. Peace.
(sorry for whatever grammar issues there might be I cbf proof reading)
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Miserere - The Cat Empire
Do you ever look around
turn your ear to the ground
show your face to the sky
on a night when the skies echoe sounds
from inside of your mind
on the stage that you shone
where the sun did become you
and move with your thoughts
through the sighs and the scenes
of the worlds you have seen
and the sights that have been
your reflection in shadows and dreams?
- your reflection in shadows and dreams
Did you ever see a man
who did walk down the street
white robe with no shoes on his feet
and on top of his head place a box with two slits
and the sign from his neck said
'I do not exist'
or a woman who could not remember her name
did stutter and stutter
again and again
and saw you and called you her son
her eyes said
'my being is gone
but still I'm not dead'?
Have you ever seen a sound
have you listened to an image
have you ever touched a thought
have you ever tasted nothing
have you ever told a lie
that was true more than truth
because truth it had lied
all its life when it spoke to you?
And what did it say
it is that it is this
this goes here here is there
it is not yes it is
it was dulling your senses
your eyes they were bound
have you ever my friends
been looking around?
And the other replies
with a wave of a hand
I am already here
in this promised land
but not by a god and not by a king
and not by a spirit
deep from within
I am here
because a miracle's a whim
it's a flash of glory
it's an empty tin
and maybe might lets you in
not to save you
but to keep on looking-
Have you ever
been so happy that you're sad?
that the lights turn to stars
and the stars become eyes
and hello's are goodbye's
and the laughs are the sigh's
and the show disappears with the note
'until next time'
Long live living
if living can be this
Long live living
if living can be this
Long live living
if living can be this
Long live living
if living can be this
Do you ever look around
and find what is yet to be found?
Labels: miserere, the cat empire
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Just some random epicness from Muse.
1. Chris Wolstenholme (bass player) smoking a cigar on stage during songs.
2. Matt Bellamy using this massive floodlight and reflecting the light off his shiny
metallic guitar, then waving the light beam around the crowd. Pretty epic when he used it to create a mexican wave.
3. Using the same light to reflect light off his shiny amp. He had his amp up on some swivel stand and he kept spinning it around in circles with the light just going around in circles everywhere.
4. ALL THE FUCKING LASERS. My eyes were very happy from all the light shows.
5. The random epic jams they had. Helsinki jam was epic, except Dominic (drummer) dropped his drum sticks halfway through, yet somehow kept playing. They also played some AC/DC (Y).
6. When Matt stopped singing and just let the crowd sing the choruses.
The concert seriously was the best day of my life or at least this year. I mean all the shit I've had to put up with this year just completely left my head when I was at that concert. It was a hard feeling to describe, but trust me it was more amazing than what words can say.
Labels: concert, muse
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blog may look retarded as im mucking around with some templates.
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life in general... shit.. no change there.
one more bitch added to the list.
officially am not giving a fuck about bothering with "her", i wish feelings were mutual with someone for once.
a new awesome friend added to the list! as one goes one comes and fills the gap i guess. she seems to be awesome (Y)
holiday homework.. given up. just took a look at the methods homework and died. i dont think next year will be the best...
muse concert... i cannot even explain how FUCKING AMAZING IT WAS. Ill blog about it later and with pics when i can be bothered.
so year all up.. shit..
only highlight? meeting the few awesome friends that i have, and SEEING MUSE LIVE!! i was a whole 10 metres away from matt bellamy at one stage. 10 metres!!!
and no apologies for lack of grammar and such.
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mamihlapinatapais - a look shared by two people with each wishing that the other will initiate something that they both desire but which neither one wants to start
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mindless babble.
So you think you have yourself all figured out. I'm this kind of person and this is all I'll ever be. I think in this particular way and act like I do. Everything seems to make sense to you about who you are. You THINK you have yourself figured out. Then all of a sudden out of no where you start doubting yourself. You start doubting the person you really are. You take a good hard look at yourself. All it takes is a single event or action. But I can't imagine myself any differently. I've always been a person who stick to what I believe in. I haven't significantly changed at all. But I feel like the person I am right now just causes too much confliction. Yes I have a low self-esteem but that's the person I've always been. I was okay with it within myself. But now I don't know. I'm starting to doubt whether I've really accepted that who I am now is who I really want to be. But then again I don't want to turn into one of "them". I have pride in my individuality. The last thing I want is for that to happen. Choices, choices, choices. Regrets, regrets, regrets.
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Name's Damien, music is the game. Don't know where I'd be without it.
Mucked around with some themes coz I was bored.
Here's my negative release on the world.
Fav Bands
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Anything that isn't bullshit pop
Musicman Stingray bass
Ferrari 599
Maxda rx7 fortune by veilside
most bullshit mainstream music
annoying girls who like playing with guys
most people