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Saturday, September 11, 2010, 1:39 AM | back to the top.

We all search for something. But I think no one truly knows what it is they are searching for. It's an endless game of hide and seek. You search and search looking for the non existant but in your mind you think it exists. You hope it exists.

Most people stumble upon what they are searching for occasionally. Catch a glimpse of it. THen they find out it exists. Or so they think... They might even run after it mindlessly for a while before realising how wrong they were.. They try and try to get it.. but in the end it is lost again.

Then there are the lucky ones that find it, and keep it. Although in most cases it is lost again.

And finally there are those people who never find what they are looking for. THeir whole life is lived without ever finding that one thing.

Is this a good or bad thing? Do we really need to find this one thing.. Does it even actually exist?

Too many questions... I guess I think too much as you know. Why do I still bother?

Oh well.. maybe I'll just sit on the fence on this one.



What is it I'm talking about?
I'll let you guess..

one word
one syllable


The name's Damien.
Just a note. Everything I write on this blog is just shit I need to get out. So if you are a follower and I haven't blocked you. It is probably because I trust you reading all this. So please don't share this link with everyone. Thanks.

Might be some things still not working on this.
No comments enabled coz it screws up the coding
Times on this are also screwd
Have fun stalking
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